Raven Security FAQ
Frequently asked questions about Raven Security.
Security Questions
Can Raven Security protect me from malware threats?
Yes! Raven Security has great setting for Real Time Protection and has over + 300000 defenitions. (Read More)
Does Raven Security have a firewall?
No! Unfortunatly Raven Security does not have firewall protection. Raven Security does have Real Timer Protection which will help prevent infections.
Can Raven Security detect infections in files before they are downloaded?
Yes! Raven Security can prevent you from downloading potentially harmful files infected with malware.
Source Code Questions
Will The Dominion Studios do a tutorial over the techniques used to create Raven Security?
No! Raven Security is protected by copyright law! Any portion of Raven Security found elsewhere will be punished. We do not intend on releasing any source or tutorials.
Can you release the source code for Raven Security?
No! Raven Secuirty is protected by copyright law! Any portion of the software found elsewhere is illegal based on the agreement when installing. We do not intend on releasing source code.
Other Questions
Is Raven Security like MalwareBytes?
Yes! Raven Security can find any malware that is in its database. Raven Security scans and can stop harmful infections from being downloaded.
I keep getting a unexpected error for Dropbox?
Yes! Raven Security needs to be connected to the internet! This means that your machine must be connected while Raven Security is runnning, so it can contact servers for important database updates.
Red Apple FAQ
Frequently asked questions about Red Apple.
Why does Red Apple give me a warning window and asks to restart?
Red Apple will return this error when the end user is not conneted to the internet. Red Apple needs to be connected to the internet so it can contact its server for new update information.
What does HTML Error mean when I try to save HTML code?
Red Apple returns this error when the end user either fails to give the file a name, closes the save dialog or cancels the save process.
I need help on how to use Red Apple, is there a place to get info on certain features?
Red Apple is pretty simple to use but yes we have included support files in Red Apple, just click the "Help" button in the top menu to get general help on how things work.
I cant install Red Apple or any patch what is causing this?
Yes! Red Apple may not be installed correclty or may not contain any file changes. This means that you will have to completely uninstall Red Apple and try again. This error is unknow to why it happens. If you are freshly installing Red Apple and getting any simular errors contact support here
Other Questions
What engine does Red Apple use?
Red Apple is based off from an Internet Explorer version. Red Apple also has a intergrated engine that helps with loading and other events while navigating webpages and downloading data.
How does Red Apple save the users history?
Red Apple goes through a process of storing URL data in a text file in the Appdata folder. Then Red Apple reads the data back into a list of URL strings or websites.